Abstract submission is closed.
Both oral and poster communications are invited. We encourage presentations on all aspects related to Avian Evolution: Paleontology, Morphology, Evo-Devo, Speciation, Phylogeny, Genetics, simulation models, etc.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. An abstracts volume will be available at the beginning of the meeting.
Abstracts must be sent as Word document to info@sape2020.com indicating preference as a Poster or Oral presentation. The document should be formatted for one half A4 page, with 500 words maximum, 1.0 line spacing, and set in 10-point Arial font. Abstracts must include: title (capital, bold), authors and affiliations (italic), and the main text. Illustrations and references will not be included. Authors and affiliations must be connected through superscript numbers. The author planned to be speaker should be underlined.